Friday, May 31, 2019

Adolescent Peer Pressure :: Peer Pressure Essays

In schools today, most students f tout ensemble under the influence of compeer compel. Peer pressure is when friends persuade you to do something that you do not want to do. But maybe you want to do it, and you just dont have the courage to do it and your friends talk you into it. Peer Pressure can be broken down into two areas good peer pressure, and bad peer pressure. Bad peer pressure is being coerced into doing something that you didnt want to do beca do your friends said that you should. Friends have a tendency to think that they know what is best for you. They always offer their opinion whether it is wanted or not. Well, if friends are going to tell you what to do, what can you do about it? The most basic thing that you can do is to claim, No, I dont wish to do that or if you want to do it, say, Yes, give me a crusade For instance, if one of your friends offered you a cigarette, you might say No, that just doesnt interest me. But being able to say no may not be the problem the real problem arises when your friends repeatedly ask you to do something. This is where you have to be able to say to yourself, I made a decision and I truly feel that my decision was the correct one, and then be able to express that repeatedly to all of your friends. This seems like a difficult task, doesnt it? It takes a tremendous amount of will power to be able to stand up to the people that you know, trust, and respect ... your friends. hotshot of the major problems with peer pressure occurs when you get sucked into something that you really didnt want to do and subsequently, become addicted to it. Usually, people get backed into a situation to try illegal drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes and more times than not, these behaviors can become habit forming. If and when someone comes up and offers you one of these substances, it is your decision whether you want to try or continue to use these substances. You should be prepared to make these decisions and to make a good decisi on you must be educated on that topic. For instance, say you were going to buy a stereo. You wouldnt just go out and pick the one that looked nice you probably would go to the library and look into it.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Our Explotation of Technology :: Sociology Essays Research Papers

Our Explotation of TechnologyHuman technology is developed to serve a purpose and this reason often is dependent on what needs a particular society has. In the case of war and in former(a) aspects of culture, technology is developed for a particular reason, such as to defeat the declared enemy. This connection serves to influence the type of finesses developed. Ehrlich notes that in World War II during the engagement at Midway Island in 1942, there was a difference in capabilities between the Americans and the Japanese. While it would be apparent that there was a direct correlation between the readiness of resources and success in battle this connection turned out not to be true. In reality, planning, expertise, and chance were more of a determinant (Ehrlich, 2000). This result shows that technical knowledge is not suitable to be successful but usage of available resources is necessary to ensure gains. This combination underscores the need for culture to move technology forward. A new invention without cultural demand would not serve much benefit since it would not be used to improve society. However, a cultural need can go forth to the development of an invention since the demand moves the technology to an outcome.Trade allows a primary method of connecting technology to the world. Initially trade was exchanged as items of barter. Cattle, shells, crops, salt, and other items served as a means of providing a fair exchange of goods between parties. The invention of currency has much to do with the needs of trade. It is impractical to ferry a hear a cattle to a place of sale in order to buy the good. However money is more portable than livestock and many other items of barter and helped ease the trade process (Ehrlich, 2000). The importance of trade to culture led to a streamlined process with the invention of currency. While items of barter get under ones skin value that is tangible, such as food produced by crops, modern currency is only valued by the cu lture since a government body guarantees it. As a result of the governmental backing, currency can be used a meaningful method of exchanging value. Money that does not contain precious metals is just now a symbolic way of representing value. A culture recognizes the currency as representing value and can be used as an effective accounting system of rules for trade. Additionally, the influence from the cultural value of trade translates into placing less significance on the intrinsic value of the currency itself and instead considers what convenience the technology can provide to improve trade.

Opposition to the Iraq War Essay -- Politics Government

Iraqi War Out of 50 citizens polled, five believe that the contend in Iraq should continue.That is only 10%, of those polled.Not much, is it? What this poll demonstrates is that the people of the U.S.A. do not feel the war is helping. The Iraqi war is a very lively and on-going debate issue. The war has cost us many people soldiers, reporters, civilians and insurgents. The best way to confront this problem is to have the Iraqi army in power and for our people to tally home.This merciless war has claimed too many lives. CNN news reports that in December alone, the U.S. army has lost 3,000 American men and women. This proves that the death toll has overpowered the benefits claimed by chairperson Bush. Only more people will die because of the war, an...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Obstacles Toward Development :: essays research papers fc

Obstacles Toward DevelopmentIn this every day changing world, many of us are lifespan in a comfortable home,have enough food to eat, good clothed, healthy, and financially independent.All these are provided to us because we are living in a well-developed country.Others in the third world nation are not so lucky. They may have no shelter,limited food supply, and unemployed. This is because their country is not welldeveloped like ours. Problems that stop these countries from developing are1. crushed levels of living, comprising low incomes, high inequality, poorhealth and inadequate education. 2.Low levels of productivity. 3High place of population growth and Dependency Burdens. 4.High levels ofUnemployment and Underemployment. 5.Significant dependence on agriculturalproduction and primary product exports. 6.Dominance, dependence, andvulnerability in international relations.Low levels of living is one of the major obstacles toward development.Low levels of living is comprised of low incomes, high inequality, poor healthand inadequate education. The gross national product (GNP) is the most ordinarilyused measure of the overall level of economic activity. The gross domesticproduct (GDP) measures the total value for final use of output produced by aneconomy, by both residents and nonresidents. Thus GNP comprises GDP plus thedifferences between the income residents receive from abroad for factor services(labor and capital) fewer payments made to nonresidents who contribute to thedomestic economy. many an(prenominal) Third World countries have a low level of per capitalincome, in addition there is a slower GNP growth par to the developednations. Secondly, many great deal in third world countries are unhealthy andconstantly battle with disease while trying to stay alive. The baby mortalityrate is very high compared to the developed countries. One reason that leads tothis is that they do not have the access to safe drinking water and healthservice. Clean drink ing water is one of the major factors necessary to avoidillness. Water-borne diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and a wide arrayof serious or fatal diarrheal diseases are responsible for more than 35% of thedeaths of young children Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Most of thesediseases and resulting deaths can be eliminated with safe water supplies. Inaddition, health service is very limited in the least developed countries. Itis limited in the number of doctors and beds provided for the patients. Also,all the hospitals and medical facilities are located in the urban areas. Peoplewho are not living in the urban areas will have trouble getting to hospital anduse the medical facilities provide. Thirdly, many people who live in the third

Learn the Law. Question the Law :: essays research papers

Th aroundout the course of human history, people excite advanced technology and educated minds in ways that once would not have seemed impossible. From caves drawings to televisions and from the obedience and arrow to the machine gun, humans have continu on the wholey improved their standard of living over the years. Although we now have all sorts of things people could only pipe dream of a thousand years ago, we still live like cavemen in many ways. One of these ways is our contempt refusal to tolerate severe injustice at many levels of society. Just like most problems, injustice starts at the top, and often starts with the people that are supposed to be preventing it. Corrupt police officers and law agencies have been sifting through the sieve of true justice for years, and continue to do so today. From Hitlers horrifying Gestapo police of the 1940s to the more recent whipstitching of Rodney King, police officers have abused their powers like a broken record. Police have engag ed in unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and unnecessarily rough treatment of citizens in rural and urban areas from New York to Los Angeles. Just as the founders of our great nation stood to face the British in the 18th century, and just as our forefathers fought to free us from the shackles of slavery, we must now fight to ensure that our democracy is not tainted by the practice of unjust or discriminatory law. stimulate Ohio Cop Found Passed Out (Drunk) In Burger King Drive-Thru. This was a headline on on February 21, 2005. This kind of story serves as an example that not all of our police officers are as moral as they claim to be. The most disturbing part of this story wasnt that this police veteran was found intoxicated in his dispatch car, its that this man had the power of our law behind him for years before this happened. Many of the thousands of laws that help police officers do things like get around you over for no legitimate reason, or com e into your house without probable cause, were constructed for just these purposes. This fact goes hand in hand with a quote from Tacitus, a famous Roman historian and philosopher, the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. Police officers sometimes lack a crucial prerequisite for their job, common sense. quite of getting drug dealers and other dangerous criminals off the streets, they are often seen in packs of three to five investigating events like fireworks in the dorms, or streakers.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

do high school administrators have the right to have unannounced locke :: essays research papers

Do high school administrators have the right to carry out unannounced body or cabinet searches? Does it violate the students body or someoneal belongings? Many people think that it is wrong for administrators to have random body and footcabinet searches, but I think it is ok and somewhat necessary. Having unannounced body searches or locker searches is necessary because they keep schools safer, they enforce rules and they neutralise harmful incidents. haphazard body and locker searches keep schools safer. When someone or their locker is searched, whatever it is that is illegal is removed and the student is suspended. This helps because it gets rid of whatever isnt safe and takes the person who brought it out of the school for a while. This avoids anything else from happeningIm not saying that every student that gets caught with something is a bad student. Sometimes unsafe or illegal items are brought to school by accident. We all know that accidents happen. That is why there are special guidelines for accidents. For example, a boy goes fishing with his papa on Sunday. They use a pocketknife to cut and gut the fish. The boy puts the pocketknife back in his jacket pocket and wears the jacket to school the abutting day. The boy doesnt realize the knife is in there until he takes the coat off and puts his gloves in his pockets and outs and outs the jacket in his locker. Now the boy wouldnt have gotten in trouble if he had followed the guidelines for when accidents happen. All her had to do was take the pocketknife to an administrator and explain the situation and he wouldnt have gotten suspended. The locker searches enforce the rules because it gives the students an opportunity to keep themselves out of trouble, while keeping students from bringing anything because they know about the locker and body searches and wont bring anything to school to avoid punishment.Have you ever sat and wondered if the students at Columbine High School were given random body and locker searches would that incident have happened?

do high school administrators have the right to have unannounced locke :: essays research papers

Do high school administrators have the right to bear out unannounced dust or cabinet searches? Does it violate the schoolchilds body or personal belongings? Many people speculate that it is wrong for administrators to have random body and locker searches, but I think it is ok and somewhat undeniable. Having unannounced body searches or locker searches is necessary because they keep schools safer, they enforce rules and they avoid harmful incidents.Random body and locker searches keep schools safer. When someone or their locker is searched, whatever it is that is illegal is removed and the school-age child is suspended. This helps because it gets rid of whatever isnt safe and takes the person who brought it out of the school for a while. This avoids anything else from happeningIm not saying that every student that gets caught with something is a bad student. Sometimes unsafe or illegal items argon brought to school by accident. We all know that accidents happen. That is why the re are special guidelines for accidents. For example, a boy goes fishing with his dad on Sunday. They use a pocketknife to cut and gut the fish. The boy puts the pocketknife back in his jacket pocket and wears the jacket to school the next day. The boy doesnt realize the knife is in there until he takes the coat off and puts his gloves in his pockets and outs and outs the jacket in his locker. Now the boy wouldnt have gotten in trouble if he had followed the guidelines for when accidents happen. All her had to do was take the pocketknife to an administrator and rationalise the situation and he wouldnt have gotten suspended. The locker searches enforce the rules because it gives the students an opportunity to keep themselves out of trouble, while keeping students from bringing anything because they know about the locker and body searches and wont bring anything to school to avoid punishment.Have you ever sat and wondered if the students at Columbine High School were given random bod y and locker searches would that incident have happened?

Monday, May 27, 2019

History of education Essay

Tamil Nadu is regarded to be one of Indias star performers in the sector of wide-eyed teaching. The results of the 2001 enumerate show that Tamil Nadu has attained third position behind Kerala and Maharashtra both in terms of overall and female literacy. It recorded close to 100 per cent gross enrolment ratio (GER) at primary and upper primary levels based on 2007 estimates. A major legislative effort for the universalisation of education in disceptation with the constitutional mandate has been the introduction of the Tamil Nadu Compulsory Education Act, 1994.Under this Act it is the duty of the presidency to provide the indispensable infrastructure ( instructs and teachers) for ensuring universalisation of elementary education. Parents are also liable to be fined if they do not send their wards to shal let out, though this rule is not very strictly enforced as more(prenominal) or less of the children not going to school come from poor backgrounds. Tamil Nadus laid-back en rolment statistics are also the result of the number of welfare schemes that the earth organisation has introduced in the elementary education sector. The large number of missionary and private schools are also playing a role in the spread pop of education.The government provides textbooks, uniforms and noon meals to the pupils making it a State where the per child disbursal is much high than in educationally backward States such as Bihar, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and others and is higher than the all-India average. The State is making an endeavor to provide primary schools within a one km radius of human habitations with a population of 300 and above to increase their accessibility. It is also a State that has actually spent most of the funds allocated to it by the Centre under the SSA scheme, in contrast to States like UP, Bihar and Assam that contrive huge unspent amounts.Tamil Nadu students stood first in the re universal in mathematics, language and reading c omprehension skills according to the national mid-term achievement survey of trend III children commissioned by the NCERT in collaboration with the MHRD and the SCERT and SSA wings of the States recently. But it has come to light that local bodies like corporations and municipalities are not fully utilizing cash collected as education tax as a percentage of property tax under the Tamil Nadu Elementary Education Act and this is change the caliber and quantity of formal education provision at the grassroots level.While the general literacy rate in Tamil Nadu as per 2001 data is 73. 5%, wide disparities exist across districts, gender, and area of residence as well as social grouping. The literacy rate of the SC and ST populations are consistently lower in all the districts. The retention rate within and after the primary school level is also not very impressive and there is a high percentage of repeaters. This is particularly so in the case of the STs and SCs.It is to cut across t his discrepancy between education offered in different kinds of schools, between rural and urban schools and to overcome other numerous ills that have crept into the education musical arrangementsuch as arbitrary collection of fees, induction of daily waged, inadequately qualified para teachers, rote learning, examination stress, problems related to the medium of instruction and so onthat the State government constituted the Muthukumaran military commission, which submitted its cover in 2007.This committee had the mandate to work out a framework of a uniform shape of education in Tamil Nadu and to make recommendations for improving its quality. The report of the Committee recommends only one autonomous board, The Tamil Nadu State Secondary give instruction Education Board, instead of the existing four State level boardsMatriculation, Anglo-Indian, Oriental and State Board.Schools coming under this co-ordinated Board would follow a common syllabus ensuring an equitable school education in the State not conferring any undue advantages with regard to entree into higher educational institutions for students completing their school education from one particular Board. Equitable standard education is to be provided by a Common School or Neighbourhood School trunk, which with uniform syllabi would help to decommercialise educational institutions and put an end to many a private management that does not feel sufficiently accountable to society in this crucial sector.The spiraling cost of education starting at the nursery level is cementing caste-class and rural-urban divisions. A common school system using the mother tongue as a medium of instruction would make equal education accessible to all without discrimination. A common school system also means a common examination pattern. The report of the Committee advocates a reasonable teacher-student ratio of not more than 130 and doing away with faulty textbooks and a system of rote learning.It emphasizes the p romotion of analytical and rational skills that would equip the students to learn by themselves a testing and evaluation pattern that involves the application of concepts learnt rather than mere reproduction of facts. The school syllabus should not overload students with information but instead kindle their interest in the overthrow and teach them how to search for more information and conceptualize it. Traditional friendship should be incorporated and made part of school education.Evaluation should be countrywide and not just of academic achievements, and that too only marks based. Evaluation should include an assessment of student abilities and performance in academics, the arts, sports and games, values, reading habits, character, conduct and other extra-curricular activities. Schools should not only lay emphasis on academic subjects but also on moral education. Here the Committee suggests that it may be recrudesce to have a progress book with entries made from time to time a nd also periodically sent to the parents so that they may be made cognizant of their childs progress.Regular consultation with parents about their wards progress and achievements and educational goals is a must. A sheet of paper containing marks obtained in public exams is not enough to understand a students development and potential. If the marks obtained in only one exam are going to decide the soulfulnesss admission into an institute of higher learning then all stress is on preparing for this exam neglecting other exams and activities. The chance or temptation to rape in malpractices is also high.Marks obtained in a one-time exam also are no accurate reflection of the students actual knowledge and achievement level and potential. Treating exams and marks as more important than life itself has meant the death of many a student. Finally, children belonging to linguistic minorities should be allowed to gain instruction in their respective mother tongue, while all students in stand ards 5 or 8 ought to have a specific level of knowledge in Tamil and side of meat so that these languages stinkpot be used for communication.No student should be dropped and he/she should be allowed to grow in the chosen ambit of interest and in accordance with their individual capability. A simple pass or fail should certainly not be a deciding part in a persons life. While the government has accepted the notion of one board for school education other major recommendations of the Muthukumaran Committee on education reforms are being sidelined by the State government. In fact, some government run schools are changing the medium of instruction to English and not all schools teach Tamil, though this is compulsory as per current State education law.Moreover, schools with an eye on the results in board exams and aiming at time to come lucrative career possibilities for their students are introducing modern European languages like French (German is waiting to be introduced on a large r scale on the school level) that are supposedly high scoring subjects in comparison to Tamil, which is seen to be difficult even by those whose mother tongue it is. There is almost everywhere an exodus from government run schools to aided or private schools because of the perceived better quality and the lure of an English medium education, which is regarded by parents to be necessary in todays orbit.It is to remain viable and not lose out in this competition for students that government run schools are increasingly religious offering English medium instruction also, although the English medium sections are permitted only on a self-financing basis. The non-acceptance of important recommendations by the Muthukumaran committee is thus in line with the general pro-globalisation trend in the Tamil Nadu economy as a whole. Current education system Why is India still a developing country and what is stopping it from being a developed country?Indias education system as a stumbling bloc k towards its objectives of achieving inclusive growth. India is going to experience a paradox of nearly 90 million people joining the workforce but most of them will lack requiste skills and the mindset for productiveemployment according to a report in DNA. India has about 550 million people under the age of 25 years out of which only 11% are enrolled in tertiary institutions compared to the world average of 23%. .I will be focussing on how the education systems failure is leading to another social turn off of income inequality and hence, suggest certain policies to improve Indias education system and reduce inequality. Problems and drawbacks The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient ingovernment schools. A common feature in all government schools is the poor quality of education, with weak infrastructure and inadequat e pedagogic attention.What the government is not realising right now is that education which is a cite of human capital can create wide income inequalities. It will be surprising to see how income inequalities are created within the same group of educated peopleSo if the government does not improve education system particularly in rural areas the rich will become richer and the poor will get poorer. Hence, it is imperative for the government to correct the blemishes in Indias education system which will also be a step towards reducing income inequality.Another reason for poor quality of education is the poor quality of teachers in government schools . Government schools are unable to attract good quality teachers due to inadequate teaching facilities and low salaries. The government currently spends only 3% of its GDP on education which is inadequate and insufficient. To improve the quality of education , the government needs to spend more money from its coffers on education. Most economists feel that the only panacea to the ills of the public schooling system is the voucher scheme.Under the voucher system, parents are allowed to choose a school for their children and they get full or partial reimbursement for the expenses from the government. But however, the voucher system will further aggravate the problem of poor quality of education in government schools. Such a system will shift resources from government schools to private schools. This will worsen the situation of government schools which are already under-funded. Moreover, if the same amount given as vouchers can be used to build infrastructure in schools then the government can realize economies of scale.For example- The perfume for civil society is providing vouchers worth Rs 4000 per annum to 308 girls. This means that the total amount of money given as vouchers is Rs 1232000. If the same amount can be used to pee a school and employ high quality teachers who are paid well then a larger section o f the society will get it on the benefit of education. A school can definitely accommodate a minimum of 1000 students. I hope government takes certain appropriate indemnity measures to improve the education system otherwise inequalities are going to be widespread and Indias basic capabilities will remain stunted.Let us beef up the case for a stronger education system. Conclusion Certain policy measures need to be taken by the government. The basic thrust of government education spending today must surely be to ensure that all children have access to government schools and to raise the quality of education in those schools. One of the shipway in which the problem of poor quality of education can be tackled is through common schooling. This essentially means sharing of resources between private and public schools. Shift system is one of the ways through which common schooling can be achieved.The private school can use the resources during the first half(a) of the day and the gove rnment school can use it during the second half. It is important to remember that the quality of education is directly linked to the resources available and it is important for the government to improve resource allocation to bring about qualitative changes in the field of education. Common schooling is one of the ways in which government can use limited resources in an efficient way and thus improve resource allocation.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Plato †democracy Essay

Aristotle was a pupil of the famous philosopher Plato. During his lifetime (384-322 BC) he learned and taught Socratic philosophy which was taught to him. He was taught this philosophy by Plato, who is responsible for all of Socrates indite works since Socrates himself did non write down his teachings. During his teen long time he was enrolled in Platos Academy where he then taught for about 20 years after his graduation. After this he started his own school called the Lyceum.Here hetaught of philosophy and politics. His political teaching broke down regimes into six categories. These categories be then broken down into three groups of pairs. Each of these pairs has angiotensin-converting enzyme good form and one bad form. The first tier consists of Monarchy and Tyranny. Each of these is the notice of the one, but according to Aristotle, a Monarchy was better than Tyranny because a Monarch puts the needs of his people before his own. The second tier is Oligarchy and Aristocracy. both(prenominal) of these arethe rule of the few but Oligarchy was considered a better form because the Oligarchy was not necessarily influenced by money and class whereas Aristocracy was. The third tier was Polity and Democracy. Both of these were the rule of the many but Democracy was considered better for the same reasons that Oligarchy was better than Aristocracy. With his teachings of philosophy, and his image of an exemplification regime which could possibly be attainable (unlike his predecessor Plato ideal city).he was a very influential character in the future of society. Due to his father being a court physician for exponent Amyntas of Macedonia, Aristotle was a childhood friend of the later King Phillip. His friendship with King Phillip was the main reason he was asked to teach Phillips son Alexander (later cognise as Alexander the Great). Aristotle played a pivotal role in the development of Alexander the Great and it is quite possible that he would have not had such a conquest as he did had it not been for Aristotles.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Learning Motivation

attainment is a process that per humanityently modifys behaviour with the result of experience. (Cherry, 2009) Alternatively, it layabout in kindred manner be defined as knowledge or readiness acquired by instruction or train. development, from an individuals personal experience, can be summarized as a lifelong unsated process that drives the inner self to absorb anything and everything that one hears, sees or reads for personal growth to make a go person and conducive living. There ar five different ways of which instruction can be studied.Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge- it is a form of acquiring information. Learning as memorising storing of information that could be used for reproduction later on. Learning as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary. Learning as making sense or abstracting meaning it involves relating parts of the subject matter to each other and to the real world. Finally, learning as interpret ing and consciousness reality in a different way which involves compreh culminationing the world by reinterpreting knowledge. quoted in Ramsden 1992 26) (Smith, 2012). A question was raised, What makes a human acquire knowledge? What makes a human want to learn? The answers varied from it being a destiny, for competition purposes, or simply, the act of crotchet. It may also be of positive penury from the environ surroundings, but what caught my attention was of it being an instinct upon birth. If learning changes behaviour permanently, what then is motivation? Motivation is defined as a process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviour.In our everyday life, motivation is used to define our actions (Cherry, 2012). As an example, motivation drives an individual to resume a pursuit in higher education after a certain chrono system of logical succession of time away from the field. Motivation may be delineated specifically into three major components. Primaril y, activation initiated the behaviour in an individual to re-enrol in university. Consequently, persistence, a continuous effort that an individual puts in order to everywherecome obstacles much(prenominal) as to complete tasks assigned before respective deadlines.The final delineation would be intensity, which is viewed as the concentration that is put in to achieve the goal. Motivation can also be branched out to Extrinsic or Intrinsic (Cherry, 2012). conscription from personal experiences, when an individual is asked to perform weekend duties at work, the said individual is motivated to complete the said task due to the reasoning that he or she would gain double monetary requital for that day of attendance. This would be an apt representation of extrinsic motivation due to the external component of monetary compensation or rewards at the end of the day.However, if the said individual is asked to complete an assignment, it is non purely for the sake of completing the said tas k, but due to the nature of curiosity inside encouraging the need to obtain much in depth knowledge for personal gratification. With the understanding of the definition of learning and the two branches of motivation, we charter the motives of five different berths of which psychology extends a say in learning motivation psychodynamic, behaviourism, humanism, cognitive and biologically.Psychodynamic, the first and foremost news report in the field of psychology, is the study of the unconscious mental forces (Cliff, 2011). Based on the original theoretical standings of Freud, a psychoanalyst whose theories argon clinically derived, a technique called free association to renew hypnosis was developed. He directed his patients to relax and report anything and everything that came to their mind, regardless of how strange it sounded.He collected data based on what was reported to him during therapy and formulated a theory that a human behaviour and feelings argon mostly negative flas hbacks from childhood memories (McLeod, 2007). Freud construed that the mind is like an iceberg the peak of it is the conscious mind, followed by the slightly lower and conceal section from the conscious mind, known as the preconscious mind that stores information which can be voluntarily brought to awareness. The unconscious mind, that makes the base of the iceberg, is hidden deep down in a humans mind and contains repressed feelings, thoughts, and memories (McLeod, 2007).This being said, a flashback down memory lane of an individual who was exposed to a variety of starters learning modules comprising of kaleidoscopic colours and a variety of shapes helped triggered the sisters curious mind to explore the fancy world of art. Along with positive encouragement from the infants environment, a desire to achieve succession and to prompt the mind to move forward in this field exposed the infant to a hypothesis of self achievement. 20 years later, the said individual has established an artistry career out of a small piece of exposure from the infant days.With such positive motivation from the growth environment, the said individual carries a lifelong of happy memories at bottom to be reminisced upon in adulthood. This eventually creates positive intrinsic developing experience that leads to positive motivation in achieving succession for the future. Alternatively, an infant would be negatively affected should the background history tell us that the individual grew up in a pitiful environment of physical abuse. Take for example a child from the war stricken country of Afghanistan.The child goes through a series of bloodshed throughout the growing process and would carry along such painful memories into adulthood. There are adults who are able to handle such experiences, to be able to positively grow into a better person and to want to achieve conducive living environment for the future generation, such are intrinsic determination and motivation that grew withi n the individual. Behaviour, on the other hand, is a result of stimulus-response association whereby all behaviour, regardless of the measures of complexity, can be concluded to a simple stimulus-response chain. McLeod S. A. , 2007) Watson, an American psychologist believed that psychology is the science of observable behaviour. (Cherry, Behavioral Psychology Basics Understanding Behavioral Psychology in 10 Easy Steps, 2009) The environment is regarded as the stimuli and the effect that relieve oneselfs key on a living creatures behaviour is the response. Hence as Watson quoted, To predict, given the stimulus, what reaction will take place or given the reaction, state what the situation or stimulus is that has caused the reaction (McLeod S. A. , 2007)Classical Conditioning is a study done by Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov on classic experiment that blighterd his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell repetitively upon a provided meal. Over repeated trial, the dog learned to a ssociate the ringing of the bell with the fodder and continuously response to a ringing bell even with the absence of food. From Pavlovs experiment, we can conclude that the stimulus, the bell and food gives off a salivation response from the dog. Operant Conditioning, on the other hand was investigated by B.F. Skinner. In his experiment with a pigeon, the pigeon would be rewarded with food when it turns to its left. The more the pigeon turns, the more it was rewarded. When a behaviour is repeated by the subject, a reward is presented. Skinner positively concluded that repetition leads to reinforcement and reinforcement then leads to change in behaviour. With the right likewisels, we can predict and control behaviour of the world. (Slomp, 2006) Behaviourism can also be observed in our everyday life.Take for example, an observation made on a works individuals lifestyle on weekdays, whereby the said individual performs a routine habit of rising to work, enjoying lunch break, leavi ng the office, working out at a gym, coming home to continue with the secondary lifestyle of pumping in a few hours of education and retiring for the day. These activities are performed at specific timings scheduled by the individual. There is nothing spontaneous about this, as a matter of fact, it is redundantly blunt.Such a routine can be classified ad as classical conditioning whereby the said individuals mind has already been aligned to perform in such a way, that it almost sounds robotic. With octad hours of working five days a week, targets are to be achieved by and individual which are calculated on a daily and monthly backside (sentence is incomplete). With each target achieved, an individual is then rewarded with monetary compensation at the end of the day. This motivates the individual to achieve beyond the target provided, and with each success, it changes from a necessity to a desire to climb the success ladder at work.Such case is classified as operant conditioning. T he working environment is also a factor that affects the individuals success. With a positive and encouraging working group mates, a said individual creates such positivism and encouraging attitude within to achieve not just personal growth but to grow together with the company. Should the individual face a stressful environment with unsupportive team mates and negativism from the higher management, the said individual would not achieve the daily or monthly target and would end up being a failure not just personally but also in the company.In the 1950s, Humanism dominated the field of psychology upon rejecting the ideas of psychodynamic and behaviourism as it was deemed too bearish (McLeod, Humanism, 2007). Humanism takes into consideration both the observer and the behaving persons point of view in their study. The emphasis is based on each individuals capacity for growth and self-actualization (Cherry, 2012). Humanistic approach exercises free will for each individuals choice ma de, human values, and the creativity in living life.The fundamental belief is that each and every individual is innately good. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers regarded that personal growth and fulfilment in life a basic human need (McLeod, Humanism, 2007). every individual seeks to grow psychologically to continue self enhancement, in other words, everyone seeks self- actualization. This is regarded as a mans desire to attain self- fulfilment within his potential being, in other words, to become everything one is capable of becoming.Maslow introduced a pyramid to his concept of self-actualization with five levels of needs, firstly, physiological needs such as vitals basic needs like water, air, food and sleep, secondly, security needs related to a desire to achieve steady employment, health insurance, safe neighbourhood and a shelter, thirdly social needs, the need for belonging, love and affection, the fourth is esteem needs, to boost self- esteem, social recognition and accomplis hments and finally, self-actualizing needs which is at the peak of the pyramid whereby these people are self-aware, concerned of personal growth and interested in fulfilling their potentials to an optimum level (Cherry, Hierarchy of Needs, 2012). Each level must be achieved before moving on to the next level of the hierarchy. That being said, the application of humanism is observable in the process of growth within military personnel.Looking back during the cavemen era, humans were exposed to a lifestyle based on purely survival, hence every individual learned survival skills, how to hunt for food, to gain water, and to have a roof above their heads which were caves basically. Slowly, man kind began evolving. From the basic needs of survival, humans began acquiring luxurious items, such as clothes and money. Consequently, education slowly seeped into the picture of humans evolution. We do not have to go far to study such evolution because from birth, we were taught to eat and it w as injected into our infant minds that education is the most important factor in life. With the constant oil production of such facts from infantry days, such attitude is formed that we are to educate ourselves to be a better person, to have good jobs and salaries, to have a better life than our parents had.The intrinsic desire of achieving all these is planted within us and with each level of completion, graduation with a Masters, we move on to seeking jobs and on to a nice roof to surround ourselves and a mating partner. This is all simply a life process that humanism studies. Once the hierarchy is completed, mankind maintains the wonderful life achieved. Just like a game of snake and ladder, humans learn to achieve self actualization with the right mindset, and to learn from mistakes too by sliding down when we land on a snake spot, that is, a failure. From failures, we are motivated to grow, we learn from mistakes made and improve them. At the end of the day, it is the completi on of the hierarchy created within and the wisdom achieved that makes life worth living. Cognitive psychology is the modern scientific study of the mind. Cognition means knowing.It is the study of mental act or process by which knowledge is acquired or in other words it is how a human processes information (stimuli) and reacts upon it (response) (McLeod, 2007) Cognitive psychologist emphasizes on how our thinking influences our behaviour. Piaget studied child cognitive development by applying natural observation on his growing children and clinical interviews and observations of adolescence. Piaget believed that children think differently than adults and stated that they go through four universal stages of cognitive development. Development is biologically based and changes as a child matures and cognition therefore develops in all children in the same sequence of stages. There are four stages of cognitive development that were summarized by Piaget. McLeod, Jean Piaget, 2009) Firstl y, sensorimotor which takes place at the age of 0-2 years ancient is described as an infant builds up direct knowledge of the surrounding world with reflex action and perceptual movement and to relate the pysical result to the perceived results. Secondly, the preoperational stage takes place among the age of 2-7 years. It explains that a child is mentally able to represent events and objects and engage in symbolic play. Their thoughts and actions are purely egoist which Piaget believes where a child is able to view a situation from another persons point of view. Consequently, from the age of 7-11 years, cover operational stage takes over egocentricism. At this stage, a child begins to develop a cognitive logical or operational thought but is only able to apply the logic to physical objects.The final stage of development would be formal operational which takes place from age 11 onwards. At early adolescents stage, manipulation of ideas without the dependence of concrete manipulat ion takes place. A child is able to combine and classify items in a critical, analytical and creative way of action solving. Cognitive psychology also views people as being similar to a computer that is used to process information. A human brain and a computer processes information, stores the data and has stimulation and output procedures. This shows that a humans memory comprises of three stages encoding (receiving of information), storage (information is saved) and retrieval (information is recalled) (McLeod, Psychology Perspective, 2007)The initiative to learn leads to cognitive response like when an individual who takes an interest in learning a new talking to woud be intrinsically motivated to master the language. The individual would be motivated to resolve up the new language skills due to the high level of interest towards the subject matter. This allows information to be collected, stored for future usage and would be retrieved once once more when needed. When there is a high level of interest in learning something new, or simply a curiousity that grows within an individual to know more of a certain subject matter, this allows cognitive process to take place easily compared to an individual who is forced to take up a new language skill with low level of interest. The environmental surrounding is also a factor that relates to cognition process.When an individual with high interest of learning a new language is surrounded by people who are as motivated as him and have positive attitude, it motivates the individual to lean further into the subject matter. Psychologist from the biological perspective studies the interrelation of behaviour and experience with the chemical processes that takes places in the nervous system of the body. The electrochemical activities between the neurons in the nervous system and the brain cause humans to react such as to think, to feel, to eat, and basically any other behaviour that makes up an individuals daily life. (Sam mons, 2009) The study of biological psychology can be categorized as, firstly, comparative method whereby different species of animal can be studied and compared. This helps in the understanding of human behaviour.Secondly, physiology which is the study of the functionalism and relation between then nervous system, hormones and brain function and how a sudden change in a stimulus such as the environment can change an individuals behaviour. Lastly, inheritance, which is the study of genetics, ways in which genes affect an individuals behaviour. (Mcleod, 2007) In regards to this, we can study how the stimulus affects the chemical processes that take place in a humans mind to understand the teory of learning motivation in a human. The exposure to stimulus of learning would trigger a response, for example in a case of nicotine addiction in a family trait.A pregnant mother who has a serious addiction of nicotine is likely to transfer such chemical process and gene to her newborn infant child as the bloodstream within the mother and the newborn is infiltrated with nicotine. They are often adviced to inhibit the intake of nicotine during motherhood to avoid genetics defects in their newborn. However, we can often see that parents who smoke in front of their child during the early stages of the newborns life, are likely to impact the newborn at an early stage of nicotine addiction too. It is also due to the stimulus surrounding of the infant that would trigger such response from the growing child. Behavioral traits from parents are passed down to their children too and hence would have a generation of nicotine addicts in that family.We can see that this is an intrically motivated biological behavior of learning how to pick up a cigarette stick directly from the parents themselves to influence the future generation to be addicted to nicotine too. In conclusion to the study of learning motivation in aspects of five perspectives of psychology, we can see that each pers pective is interrelated with the study of behavior and environment as factors that separate an intrinsically or extrinsically motivated outcome. A wise man once said, Your life is simply within your minds control. Trick your mind into thinking positive and you shall have a golden life, or treat it to negative seeds and you shall bare the fruits of negativity in your daily life response.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Outline and Explain the Inequalities in Health and Illness According to Social Class

Outline and explain the inequalities in health and illness according to companionable mark. This essay will explain the inequalities that occur in health and social c are due to social class. It will show statistics of health and mortality rates and distinguish between different approaches to health. It will show factors that place influence an individuals health such as class, society and individual choice. Inequalities in health are a long standing and well recognised break apart of modern society.Within society the opportunity to live a healthy life free from illness is not evenly balanced between the classes. (Yuill,2010). To define what is meant by social class, Crompton (2008 ) page 95 said, A social class is two or more orders of people who are ranked by society. Members of a class tend to marry within their own order, but the values of society permit them to marry up or down. A class system besides provides that a child is born into the same class as their parents. Th ere are two main scales that define class in society.The National Statistics Socio-economic sorting Scale breaks society down into eight main classes. The Standard Occupational Classification (2000) breaks society into nine classes but has many subdivisions in between. To define what is meant by health varies widely between organisations but the most commonly used definition is one given by the World wellness Organisation which says Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. (Tulchinsky, 2009, page 47).Surrounding the issue of health there are two main models which are used. The medical model is based around the absence of disease or disability. If an individual has no disease or disability they are thought of as being in good health. The medical model focuses on the handling and cure of disease and not on the cause or prevention (Eldin, G,2000) . The social model, according to, Barkaway 2009, health is seen as partially attributed to the social circumsta nces of individuals. This finish be in terms of their income, gender, education and status.The social model also says that an individuals health is also effected by the economic, social, political and wel colde policies of a society (Barkaway, 2009) The differences caused by health and social class can be seen as far back as 1843 when Edwin Chadwick published The General Report on Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain. In this h showed that the average age of wipeout in Liverpool at the time was 36 for gentry and professionals but only 15 for labourers, mechanics and servants (Chadwick, 1843).The reasons behind these differences between health and social class can be down to employment status. Particularly in earlier history when the lower classes where mainly employed in the manual industries such as the scorch mines, shipyards and factories. These types of employment were known to cause massive health problems such as emphysema and asbestosis. Poverty , poor housing and lack of health resources and provisions is a stake to the lower classes. (patient. co. uk, 2012) Before the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948, being able to have access to a doctor was a high life the lower classes could not afford.Doctors and hospitals were only available privately so were only afforded by the upper classes. Some areas did have charity ran hospitals but these were unclean and treatment was slow. Poorer people almost always relied on, sometimes dangerous, herbal methods or back street doctors. Alongside the introduction of the NHS came the view that healthcare is a right and not something to be dispensed erratically by charity. (Rivett, no date) National statistics. Social Model and how it is trying to improve the health of the lower classes. Black report inverse care law Parsons sick roll Foucaults policy